Happy birthday to you / Til hamingju med afmaelid/ Gelukkige verjaardag/Feliz cumple anos!
The big birthday week of the year has passed again, and two more children were added to the birthdaylist, as Eyja (Helgi´s daughter) had a healthy, lovely princess...Ingadottir (first name not known yet) on the 1st of October. That same day, Sissa, Elín´s best friend, became "big sister" for the second time of a girl ....Audunsdottir, (first name not known yet either) Both mothers and daughters are doing great.
But our main birthday events were of course Elin who was thrilled with all the excitement, Brynja, and of course amma Gusta. So little did we miss the craftsmen who were supposed to show up this week! September has come to an end and opposed to so many previous months, this has been the coldest one on record - EVER ...

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