Dagelijks leven in Ijsland/My daily life in Iceland

If ever you thought life was different here, you were wrong. Really?? Well, you decide. Most of the comments to the pictures are written in English, some of them in Flemish, and a few words here and there in Icelandic. Just to throw you off.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The magic palace

The pinnacle of the Magic Kingdom must be Cinderellas castle: Jonatan, Elin and Andri are enjoying every minute of their picture perfect day - probably because they did not know what they missed: the "it s a small world" ride - which Nonni considered to be a MUST - and I did not want to do it for fear of having the song fixated into my mind for the next 2 weeks. Well, we probably should have gone, because it has been recently renovated and was captivating - at least that was the story but Polly Anna would have said: well that just gives us a good reason for going back! (just when Nonni thought his Magic Kingdom days were over!) Posted by Picasa