I know it can not be seen very well, but these grooves (about 3 cm wide and 4 cm deep) in the old cement floor have been sawed by Nonni and me, and we have done about 50 m of it which took us 12-13 hours of constant sawing, lots of sweat and some blood and a whole new array of words with which to describe what must be the most awful job in construction. The dust was incredible even though we had a powerful industrial size vacuum cleaner connected to the saw, which blew the dust outside! The worst part of it is though that we are not only half there (still about 50 +m to go!) . Our backs, ears, arms, knees and THUMBS - of holding the bloo... button of the saw in, have been hurting like hell since. Next weekend, it will all be done - we hope. After that - NEVER AGAIN - but one should never say never, now...and every time I will stand on the floor and feel the warmth, I will think - ahhh - how wonderful - at least, that is what Nonni says, but I am not really convinced - probably I will only think about the loonacy about this all.
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