Dagelijks leven in Ijsland/My daily life in Iceland
If ever you thought life was different here, you were wrong. Really?? Well, you decide. Most of the comments to the pictures are written in English, some of them in Flemish, and a few words here and there in Icelandic. Just to throw you off.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
"Attention: today March 21st a fire drill will take place in our hotel. For your safety, not only at this hotel but on your travels around the world, may we please ask you to participate." We prepared for months and all the staff participated, but only TWO guests, the rest just watched from their rooms.
Today we had an emergency/fire drill at our hotel with the whole shebang, firefighters, security personel, all the staff, the guests etc. As I am part of the "emergency team" we have to dress in these vests, and the firefighters will come look for us. It all went pretty well, with a few things we have and can improve, and even though we knew it was just a drill, my stomach cringed when I heard the alarm go off. Here you can see Solborg and some of the firefighters.
We all went out for dinner on Jonatans birthday, and this was the first time we ever had pizza at Pizza Hut in Iceland, even though they have been here as long as I can remember. And I have to say, it was OK.